Pop Star Birthday Party Package (7 to 9 yrs old)

(35 customer reviews)


Shake it off from Taylor Swift

Pop Star Birthday Party is one of our coolest birthday parties. Stand out from the crowd with a unique celebration that they will remember all their life!

Pop Star Birthday Party includes:

  • One hour party
  • Up to 8 kids (Add more kids and choose your group size below)
  • Printable MSP birthday party invitation cards
  • Fun star accessories (hats, sunglasses, boas, bandanas, etc.)
  • Red carpet photoshoot
  • All red carpet photos
  • Vocal coaching and warm-up
  • Sing and record a song with our mobile recording studio
  • Final song mix is not included and is extra (pls see adders below)
  • Kids are coached to create their version of the song incl. group singing and solo by the Bday girl/boy
  • A team of 2: dynamic party host/vocal coach and a studio technician
  • Share photos access via a secured download link.


Throw the coolest Pop Star Birthday party for your child!

Pop Star birthday party is a great at-home kids party for 7 to 9-year-olds. Kids dress up with our cool accessories, walk the red carpet and strike a pose for our camera as they are cheered along by everyone.

Your child is the Star!

MSP’s Pop Star Birthday Party provides your child and friends with the dream life of a Star. In a festive atmosphere, a striking backdrop, accessories, red carpet photoshoot and a recording studio, your child will be the Star of the day! Children dress up, pose for our camera and sing their hearts out as we record them LIVE!

Our mobile studio is set up easily at your home or at the venue of your choice. Our Pop Star Birthday Party is a unique experience that stimulates your child’s self-confidence while having fun.

Please note that all parents need to sign a consent form giving MSP permission to take photos of their kids and share it with the birthday event organizer. More details on our FAQ page


  • Quick hassle-free set-up in 5-10 mins
  • A minimum 8′ x 8′x 8′, well-lit area
  • Set-up includes backdrop, red carpet and mobile recording studio
  • Set-up dimensions pdf sent to the party organizer
  • Kids dress up with our accessories and get ready for the pop star photoshoot
  • Red carpet Pop Star photoshoot with solo and group photos
  • Vocal warm-ups and studio recording guidelines
  • Kids sing together and record a version of their favourite song
  • Birthday girl/boy gets to sing a part of the song alone as a solo
  • Kids listen to a quick mix of part of the song featuring them as singing stars
  • Final song mix is not included and is extra (pls see adders below)
  • We end the party with one or two surprises for the birthday girl/boy!

Booking & Reservation

Price your package below and complete your information to secure your booking. If you change your mind, no problem! Send us a cancellation request within 48 hours from booking for a 100% refund, no questions asked. More details on our FAQ page.

Montreal Families talks about our Pop Star birthday party in an article you can read here!

At-Home or at a venue near you? *

Choose the location of your party: At-home where we come to you or at a location near you. For venue rental, contact us for more details.

Adders for more than 8 kids

Select group size

Add Recorded Song Mix

Choose this option if you would like us to do the final mix of the song featuring the kids voices singing with the music.

Ultimate Party Bundle

Choose this option if you’d like to add a dance choreography, the recorded song mix. Space requirement of 15′ x 15′ (min. 12′ x 12′). Dance studio rental available.

Highlights Video

A video montage to capture the Pop Star Birthday special moments.

City center location

Choose your city center location

Travel Fees *

Choose the area that applies to you below.


Throw the coolest Pop Star Birthday party for your child!

Pop Star birthday party is a great at-home kids party for 7 to 9-year-olds. Kids dress up with our cool accessories, walk the red carpet and strike a pose for our camera as they are cheered along by everyone.

Your child is the Star!

MSP’s Pop Star Birthday Party provides your child and friends with the dream life of a Star. In a festive atmosphere, a striking backdrop, accessories, red carpet photoshoot and a recording studio, your child will be the Star of the day! Children dress up, pose for our camera and sing their hearts out as we record them LIVE!

Our mobile studio is set up easily at your home or at the venue of your choice. Our Pop Star Birthday Party is a unique experience that stimulates your child’s self-confidence while having fun.

Please note that all parents need to sign a consent form giving MSP permission to take photos of their kids and share it with the birthday event organizer. More details on our FAQ page

Booking & Reservation

Price your package above and complete your information to secure your booking. If you change your mind, no problem! Send us a cancellation request within 48 hours from booking for a 100% refund, no questions asked. More details on our FAQ page.

Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 50 × 20 × 50 in

35 reviews for Pop Star Birthday Party Package (7 to 9 yrs old)

  1. En

    Noura Hantas

    VERY NICE. Thank you Claire Hayek. Was a great bday. LOTS OF FUN and VERY PROFESSIONAL TEAM.

  2. Fr

    Noura Hantas

    Une idée très originale, une équipe merveilleuse capable de dégêner les enfants pour passer une expérience de chant exceptionnelle. Ma fille et ses amies ont eu que du plaisir et d’humour durant leur party et des YUMMY Cupcakes. Un gros Merci Mon Studio Party!

  3. Fr

    Stéphanie R-C

    Un mot pour vous dire merci pour le fantastique moment que vous nous avez fait passer à l’anniversaire de notre fille.
    L’activité a été extraordinaire (maquillage, déguisement, pratique et enregistrement) et vous avez fait preuve d’un grand professionnalisme. Les photos et la chanson qui a été enregistrée seront des souvenirs impérissables.
    Notre fille est extrêmement fière de ce qui a été accompli et toutes ses amies ont beaucoup apprécié l’expérience.
    Pour notre fille, ça a été sa meilleure fête À VIE!
    Merci beaucoup et au plaisir de vous revoir.

  4. Fr

    Pascale Cardin

    Parole de Mélodie: C’est ma meilleure fête à vie !!!! Elle a vraiment trippé….et ses amies aussi…. Une superbe expérience qui restera gravée à vie dans sa mémoire !!! Son sourire et les étoiles dans ses yeux valaient un million 🙂 Mille mercis, tout était parfait …Maquillage, accessoires, photos et l’enregistrement de sa chanson préférée du moment… Rima, vous étiez super! Merci et à la prochaine, pour une prochaine fête !

  5. Fr

    Alain Meilleur

    Quel magnifique souvenir pour nos Pop Star! Tout le monde a été enchanté! Si vous avez envie de faire une fête qui sorte de l’ordinaire et qui va être gravée dans la mémoire de vos enfants, faites appel à Mon Studio Party!! Une belle expérience musicale à faire vivre à nos jeunes artistes en devenir! Un gros MERCI à Claire Hayek et à son partenaire Rob MacDonald qui ont fait de cette fête un grand succès!

  6. En

    Vanessa Ch.

    Samantha and her friends loved every moment of their pop star experience last weekend at her 7th birthday party. Most of the children came to party worried, shy and nervous about signing, but once Rima, Rob and Tanya arrived, they explained the process to them and by the time the accessories came out, we had 9 very excited children. The kids did a great job with the song – Shake it Off! They caught on very quickly and had a great time! The pictures and mixed song turned out great and the birthday girl loved her party! Thank you again to Rima, Tanya, Rob for their patience and professionalism. I highly recommend MSP for your child’s party. Also, a quick thank you to Claire for all of the behind the scenes preparation.

  7. Fr

    Jany Desmarais

    Merci pour ces beaux moments! C’était génial et l’enregistrement ?Wow !!!!

  8. Fr

    Melanie Aubut

    Ma fille et ses amies ont ADORÉ l’expérience avec MSP. Elles se sont senties comme de vraies chanteuses en studio. Et pleins de souvenirs avec les photos et l’enregistrement qu’on vient de recevoir. Merci!

  9. En

    Khaled Tewfik

    Thank you My Studio Party for an amazing experience. Thanks to Claire and her team, the girls had a fantastic time and Elia had a great Birthday Party.
    We loved every aspect of learning how a song is produced. The girls overcame initial shyness and got thoroughly immersed in the photo shoot and accessorizing for it. We loved hearing the group sing and the two solo performances were awesome.
    Definitely looking forward to doing it again!

  10. Fr

    Marie-Pier Hamel

    Merci MSP pour la belle journée de fête d’Olivia! Ma fille est très contente, elle avait les yeux brillants pendant toute l’après-midi :D! Merci, merci, j’adore le résultat ! Un beau souvenir pour Olivia 😉

  11. En

    M. Deslandes

    Thank you for the wonderful party for my daughter! She loved the experience 🙂

  12. Fr

    M. Deslandes (verified owner)

    Merci pour la superbe fête de ma fille ! Elle a adoré l’expérience 🙂

  13. Fr


    Un gros merci! La fête a été une réussite!

  14. En


    A big thank you! The party was a success!

  15. Fr

    Sophie Cadieux

    Merci pour cette belle fête. Ma fille Alexandra et ses amies ont bien aimé se sentir des vedettes l’instant d’un moment. Ce fut magique pour elles.

    Mission accomplie, 🙂 je le recommande à tous!

  16. Fr

    May Lim

    Bravo à toute votre belle équipe.
    Vraiment ma fille et ses amies ont passé une belle journée inoubliable.
    Belle organisation et surtout à l’écoute des besoins des enfants.
    Encore une fois BRAVO ET MERCI XXXXXXXXX

  17. Fr


    Le forfait Pop Star est tout simplement fantastique!

  18. En


    Amazing Pop Star Party! Exceeded my expectations!

  19. Fr


    On était tous contents je suis parti l’ambiance était très bonne les invités adorer la fille était super contente un seul mot on était très très bien servi et merci encore

  20. Fr


    C’était incroyable. Je n’avais jamais vu ma fille aussi contente!

  21. En


    It was amazing. I have never seen my daughter happier and all the girls had an amazing time and were all included!

  22. En

    Josee Cousineau

    Amazing experience with this company. My daughter has the best birthday party. This company is so organized and efficient. They take care of everything and guide the kids as the parents sit back and enjoy seeing the birthday kids have a blast. I cannot say enough good things about them! Don’t wait to book them for your big event!

  23. En

    Andrea Vance

    The kids had SO much fun. The whole experience in Vancouver was over and above our expectations.

    Les enfants se sont TELLEMENT amusés. L’expérience à Vancouver a dépassé toutes nos attentes.

  24. En

    Joneses Jones

    My daughter had such a great time for her 9th birthday party. The representatives of MSP were awesome with the girls. They accomplished a lot with the time frame provided without anyone feeling rushed. Thank you MSP!

  25. Fr

    Joneses Jones

    Ma fille a eu beaucoup de plaisir lors de sa fête de 9 ans. Les représentants de MSP ont été formidables avec les filles. Ils ont accompli beaucoup en peu de temps et sans que personne ne se sente pressé. Merci MSP!

  26. Fr


    Nous avons eu un groupe heureux de filles âgées de 8 ans se pavanant sur la passerelle et chantant à tout cœur. Le service à la clientèle et l’attention de Sandra menant à la fête ont été grandement appréciés; elle garde définitivement en tête les parents et l’enfant lors de la planification. C’était très amusant – Merci!

  27. En


    We had a happy group of 8-year old girls strutting their stuff on the catwalk and singing their hearts out. The customer service and attention from Sandra leading up to the party was greatly appreciated; she definitely keeps both the parents and child in mind with her planning. It was great fun – Thank you!

  28. Fr

    Lise-Anne G

    Merci, les enfants ont eu beaucoup de plaisir. Merci à Claire et Rob qui ont été capable de garder l’attention à toutes les participantes malgré que ce n’est pas toujours évident. Une fête réussie!

  29. En

    Lise-Anne G

    Thank you, the kids had a lot of fun. Thanks to Claire and Rob who were able to keep the kids’ attention despite it not always being easy. The party was a success!

  30. En

    Natasha Aiello

    My Studio Party came and conducted a Pop-Star Birthday party for my 7 year-old and 10 of her friends — and it was a BLAST!!! The red-carpet photos were such a hit with the parents and the professionally mixed song is going to be cherished forever. Truly loved this experience and will definitely hire again in the future. Special Thanks to Claire and Michael for keeping the party-rockers going!!

  31. Fr

    Natasha Aiello

    Mon Studio Party est venu animer une fête Pop Star pour ma fille de 7 ans et 10 de ses amis – et c’était génial !!! Les photos sur le tapis rouge étaient un gros succès avec les parents et la chanson mixée professionnellement va être chérie pour toujours. Nous avons adoré cette expérience et nous allons certainement les embaucher dans le futur! Un merci spécial à Claire et à Michael pour avoir gardé l’attention des « CUTE SQUAD » !!

  32. En

    A. Chiantera

    Claire and Rob from My Studio Party were great! They really went out of their way to motivate the kids and bring out the best in them. Thank you very much guys, great job!

  33. Fr

    A. Chiantera

    Claire et Rob de Mon Studio Party étaient super! Ils ont vraiment réussi à motiver les enfants et faire ressortir le meilleur d’eux-mêmes. Merci beaucoup, excellent travail!

  34. En

    Vito Sacchetti

    My daughter had the pop star party. I had a very young group 5 & 6 year olds, which is a difficult age to work with but the crew were amazing! All the girls had a great time. All her friends now want to do this pop star party, it’s a party like no other!

  35. Fr

    Vito Sacchetti

    Ma fille a fait l’animation de fête pop star. J’avais un très jeune groupe, 5 à 6 ans, un âge avec lequel ça peut être difficile de travailler, mais l’équipe était incroyable! Toutes les filles ont passé un bon moment. Maintenant, toutes ses amies veulent faire cette fête pop star, c’est une fête pas comme les autres!

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